At the Feet of the Master
At the Feet of the Master is a devotional composed in the Yogic tradition about Guruji Vyasa Deva (Victor Landa.) It contains a representative sampling of his teachings, arranged alphabetically by topic, as well as a prayer sadhana developed over time for disciples. It contains many beautiful color photos, and selections from various sources on the significance of a spiritual master. Cost: $24.
This is a brief, illustrated tribute to the person, life, and works of Guruji, and will be sent free of charge to any one desiring to learn more about or feel closer to Him.
The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book I
This is a pocket-sized edition of the world-renowned classic The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1, reformatted by Vyasa for ease of reference. Additionally, it includes excerpts from Szekeley’s book The Discovery of the Essene Gospel of Peace, and gives the history of the incorporation of The Essene Church of Peace in 2006. Cost: $12.
Congruence Between Yogic & Essene Theory
This book is the cherished fruition of Vyasa’s ideal of bridging the Yoga and Essene teachings, the final phase of His life-long work of bridging Eastern and Western spirituality. Yoga aspirants can benefit from the Essene (mystic Christian) ideas, and modern Essenes can benefit from Yogic practice. It also provides a brief overview of work and life at Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony, and appendices offer guidelines for experiential learning.Cost: $15.
From Vyasa’s introduction: “The books of Ken Keyes, Jr. are an invaluable legacy for humankind. This book is an example of how he translates Eastern teachings into terms easy to grasp for the Western mind.” Replete with delightful illustrations, this new version of Your Life Is A Gift prepared by Vyasa imparts practical wisdom for remaking our mental and emotional life so as to experience a state of continual happiness.
Magistralmente escrito e ilustrado, Tu Vida es un Regalo es un libro muy facil de leer y de compartir, que ofrece soluciones practicas y sencillas para lograr ser feliz en la vida. A traves los libros de Ken Keyes, Jr., miles de personas han logrado un major auto conocimiento y se han fortalecido en el amor. Su metodo consiste en ensenar macansimos especificos que la gente pueda utilizer en situaciones de la vida real.
This recording captures the intimate classroom experience, with Vyasa’s gentle yet masterful voice guiding one through a complete classical Sivananda routine, at a mellow pace, perfect for building lasting flexibility and strength. 1 hour. $15. Also available as download.
This is a very well-rounded routine, including two pranayams in addition to a suite of asanas that proceed at an energizing pace. Many have used this as their daily routine for years, and continued to see improvement. 1 hour. $15.
Esta es una rutina muy completa, grabada por Vyasa en castillano, que incluye dos pranayams además de un conjunto de asanas que avanzan a un ritmo energizante. Muchos han usado esto como su rutina diaria durante años, y continuaron viendo mejoras. 1 hora. $ 15. Disponible como descarga.
This is a never before released recording. It was discovered in a cupboard, after Guruji’s mahasamadhi —a true case of hidden treasure! One of the earliest recordings He made, it is unique in that it features affirmations, as well as a spiritual teaching. The asanas sequence is a real treat for the spine and back, and ends with an extended, deep relaxation. 1 hour, $15. Available as download.
Opening with everyone’s favorite part of yoga—final relaxation—Vyasa’s soothing voice leads gently yet powerfully to experience, purify, and strengthen our centers of subtle energy, expanding the light in each one, and extending it out to all of creation. This recording has been medically proven to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and promote sleep. 30 minutes. $12. Also available for download.
The 7-Day Mental Diet of Emmet Fox is a technique to uproot the habit of negative thinking. Done properly, it can profoundly recondition one’s inner dialog and stream of consciousness, resulting in greatly enhanced emotional freedom, mental clarity, improved relationships, better health, and spiritual joy. Vyasa’s beautiful voice is the perfect vessel for carrying this inspiring message and method of change. $15. Also available as download.