Paneurythmy: Sacred Dance Orientation
7:00 PM19:00

Paneurythmy: Sacred Dance Orientation

  • Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Paneurhythmy is a sacred dance which creates an intelligent interchange between humans and the living forces of nature. It is a way to harmonize ourselves with the most beneficial rhythms of the universe. Master Peter Deunov composed the music and choreographed the sacred dance. By utilizing movement, understanding, and feeling, paneurhythmy helps us to integrate body, mind and soul. This state of balance facilitates spiritual and personal development. Your instructor, Carmen, has been teaching the dance for 30+ years around the world.

Friday March 28 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm: Introduction: with Power Point presentation. No charge.
Location: Shanti Yoga Ashram., 4217 East West Hwy Bethesda MD 20814.

Saturday March 29 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm: Paneurhythmy Workshop. Includes vegetarian lunch. Donations requested.
Location: TBD

*This event is offered as a service by the FRATERNAL FORUM,  a not-for-profit organization that exists to spread the teachings of Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, in cooperation with the SCHOOL OF LIFE. All donations in excess of any third party fees will go to support their work.*

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Paneurhythmy Sacred Dance Intensive Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Paneurhythmy Sacred Dance Intensive Workshop

Paneurhythmy is a sacred dance which creates an intelligent interchange between humans and the living forces of nature. It is a way to harmonize ourselves with the most beneficial rhythms of the universe. Master Peter Deunov composed the music and choreographed the sacred dance. By utilizing movement, understanding, and feeling, paneurhythmy helps us to integrate body, mind and soul. This state of balance facilitates spiritual and personal development. Your instructor, Carmen, has been teaching the dance for 30+ years around the world.

Saturday March 29 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm: Paneurhythmy Workshop. Includes vegetarian lunch. Donations requested.
Location:7912 Savage Guilford Rd, Jessup, MD 20794

*This event is offered as a service by the FRATERNAL FORUM,  a not-for-profit organization that exists to spread the teachings of Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, in cooperation with the SCHOOL OF LIFE. All donations in excess of any third party fees will go to support their work.*

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Navaratri Celebration March 30-April 7
to Apr 7

Navaratri Celebration March 30-April 7

“Every moment during Navaratri holds immense value, as it is when the Divine Mother radiates Her utmost grace and boundless compassion. During this sacred period, She embodies forgiveness and extends unconditional love and blessings to all who seek Her divine presence.” (Sri Karunamayi.)

Navaratri is of the most sacred periods of the year, when Devi (Divine Mother) is worshipped in Her triple aspect of Power (Kali), Love (Lakshmi) and Wisdom (Saraswati.)  The whole festival is devoted to goddess Durga, whose nine forms are worshipped on nine days.

For a comprehensive explanation of this sacred occasion please see this article by Swami Sivananda:

For a guideline to personal sadhana during Navaratri given by Her Holiness Sri Karunamayi, please click here:

Vedic puja is an exact spiritual science which utilizes the power of mantra and knowledge of the various lokas or planes of being to establish a closer connection between humans and the Divine. 

Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra, who is devoted full time to the cause of world peace through teaching meditation and performing pujas, will grace the School of Life with his presence for this grand celebration, which culminates with a Havan, Fire Ceremony. 

While all pujas performed for a good purpose bring benefit to all beings, sankalpa is a part of the puja when the names of beneficiaries are recited and thus energetically woven into the ritual, aligning all the forces invoked towards the fulfillment of the person's noble desires. Traditionally, those whose names are included in the sankalpa sponsor the ceremony. This establishes a relationship of reciprocity; it is an expression of faith and gratitude, as well as sacrifice to ensure that the puja takes place for the benefit of all beings. 

We invite you to attend throughout the 9 days, and to sponsor the ceremony to experience the utmost benefit and support the tireless work of Dr. Mahapatra on behalf of world peace.

All may join in person at 4217 / 4209 East West Hwy or via zoom at or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti

Sponsorships are available at three levels:

1 day: $100
3 day: $300
9 day: $500

Just the Havan: $50 (Fire ceremony will be at a location TBD)

Each sponsor will receive all the merits as if they had performed the ceremonies with their own hands.

Please register soon. Payments may be made through paypal:

Om Shanti, Shanti Shanti

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Fraternal Forum of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov: First Sunday of Every Month
10:00 AM10:00

Fraternal Forum of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov: First Sunday of Every Month

The School of Life invites our community to participate in this monthly meeting hosted by the Fraternal Forum. Join us for mindful movement, sacred song, prayer, meditation, a potluck and social tea, where we practice Hrani Yoga (the Yoga of Nutrition). The highlight is a full length talk by the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (via recording.)

Many highly evolved souls have incarnated in this time to help humanity through the difficulties we now face, through practical spiritual teachings, called “initiatic science.” These have always been available to all sincere seekers. They mark out the stages of the initiatory journey, facilitating self-discovery, and illuminating the meaning of life’s trials while also giving an energy of wisdom, love and truth to overcome them.

In this way we become healthier, happier, and free, and at the same time better able to truly help those in need. Working along with others who share our ideals strengthens and inspires us all, increasing our effectiveness and giving us a lift whenever we need it.

The Fraternal Forum aims to facilitate the study, practice and promotion of initiatic science as found in the Teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, primarily in the USA.

For English translation of the lecture: Dial +1-425-436 6370 use access code 793 44 19).

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Receive Light with Sukyo Mahikari: Saturday March 8 (2nd Saturday of each month)
6:30 PM18:30

Receive Light with Sukyo Mahikari: Saturday March 8 (2nd Saturday of each month)

The School of Life is very pleased to welcome members of the Sukyo Mahikari organization to share Light with our community.

A positive spiritual energy is transmitted from the palm of the hand to the receiver which helps purify and revitalize the spirit, mind, and body. It can initiate a natural and sustainable process of change in oneself, at the very deepest level of consciousness.

In this simple way, Sukyo Mahikari is helping around the world to bring peace to individuals, families, communities, and even the earth itself.

All welcome to come and sit in silence and receive light, one on one.

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MahaSivaratri Celebration with Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra
6:30 PM18:30

MahaSivaratri Celebration with Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra

The School of Life is immensely grateful to have the presence of Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra on this most holy night. He will be performing a 4 hour puja for the purification and sanctification of all participants and peace in the world.

“ ‘Ratri’ means ‘night,’ and Maha Shivaratri is the Great Night of Lord Siva. On the holy occasion of Maha Shivaratri, millions of people around the world observe the Maha Shivaratri Vrata (Vow), in which they refrain from eating any food or sleeping throughout the entire night of Sivaratri. In the pursuit of Atma vidya—the knowledge of the supreme Self—one has to be very vigilant and alert. This is the real significance and motive behind staying awake throughout the night of Sivaratri. Only by remaining alert and aware can we guard against being taken over by the six inner enemies—wrong desire, greed, illusion, arrogance, jealousy, and anger. Holy devotional activities, especially when performed on Maha Shivaratri, will tame the senses and the mind, thereby allowing one to be immersed in the sacred lake of absolute silence and inner purity. By chanting stotras, singing bhajans, doing mantra japa or meditating, one can completely fill one’s entire mind with the divine vibrations of supreme consciousness.” Sri Karunamayi

Dr. Mahapatra became a meditation teacher in 1974. From 1986 to 1993 he was the Vice Chancellor of Maharishi Vedic University. He teaches Vedic Meditation and advanced techniques, which he has evolved with the blessing of many Saints from India. Mahaji has also mastered the art of performing Yagyas and Pujas, for the benefit of individuals and society. The School of Life is immensely grateful to have the presence of Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra on this most holy night. He will be performing a 4 hour puja for the sake of purification and sanctification of all participants and peace in the world.

Lord Siva is considered to be the embodiment of compassion, and the full bounty of His mercy floods the earth on this night. He is the form of God who cures our suffering by removing our ignorance which causes us to mistake illusion for reality. He is also Pure Consciousness, and is the fount of all Yogas.

Sponsors will be included in the Sankalpa, meaning the merit they receive will be equal to having performed the puja themselves. For this occasion, a minimum donation of $50 is requested which will help defray program costs and also support Dr. Mahapatra’s work on behalf of world peace.  

To do so,  sponsorships may be sent via paypal to: (and write Sivaratri in the note) ; or checks (or cash) to School of Life, 4217 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814. 

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Amma Sri Karunamayi Satsang
5:00 PM17:00

Amma Sri Karunamayi Satsang

Amma Sri Karunamayi Satsang

Sri Karunamayi is an embodiment of Divine love, wisdom, and power. At age twenty one, She left home and went into the jungle to meditate on a mountain for 12 years. Thereafter, She began Her humanitarian mission of teaching and material upliftment of the poor. She has travelled the world for 30 years comforting millions one on one.

The local Amma Sri Karunamayi Washington DC Satsang invites all to join this in-person gathering. Experience divine moments in the company of fellow devotees chanting Vedic mantras specially revealed for our time, and enjoy pot-luck Prasadam. Learn about exciting that will take place this year on behalf of world peace.

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Ascended Masters' Bridge to Freedom Group: Second Sunday of Every Month
5:00 PM17:00

Ascended Masters' Bridge to Freedom Group: Second Sunday of Every Month

You are invited to join the Ashram’s ‘Bridge to Freedom’ Ascended Master study group. The material is very inspiring and timely, geared towards not only helping our individual spiritual growth but to facilitating the ascension of the planet and all beings on it.  Topics include: how we can help prevent natural disasters, help to heal others, visit Ascended Master retreats, purify negative karma, and bring more Light into the planet to hasten the incoming Golden Age.  

Sessions generally include prayer, a musical keynote, reading aloud by turns and engaging discussions.

Most of the text books are available for free by pdf.

The Ashram’s Guru, Victor Vyasa Landa, highly commended these teachings and encouraged us to spread them as widely as possible to help the planet NOW take its next step forward in evolution. Om shanti.  

Join us IN PERSON or VIA ZOOM:   or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti.  RSVP for all events by emailing:

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Vedic Meditation Training Course
to Feb 2

Vedic Meditation Training Course

We are truly blessed to begin the new year with another in-person VEDIC MEDITATION TRAINING COURSE with Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra.  Practicing meditation is one of the best ways to contribute to world peace. By attuning to natural, spiritual and cosmic laws and learning to live in harmony with them, we automatically transmit this peace to others, helping to heal collective woes. It is for this reason that these meditation training courses have been held regularly at the School of Life since 2001.


Participants must attend all sessions. 

Friday, Jan 31: 7-8:30 pm. Introduction and initiatory Puja. Please bring 2-3 fruits and a small bunch of flowers, as well as a monetary donation to support Mahaji's work of peace.

Saturday, Feb 1:  7-8 p.m. Instruction.
Sunday Feb 2: 8-8:30 p.m
. Concluding instruction. 

To register, please send your donation via paypal to:

After receiving the training, you will be invited to join a twice daily zoom meditation group led by Mahaji, which will both lend stability to your practice, and magnify the peace enhancing effect for yourself and the planet.

You may join in person (strongly recommended) and/or via zoom: or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti

4217 East West Hwy Bethesda MD 20814

Mahaji says:

"In this course one learns the theory and benefits of meditation as well as an easy, effortless technique for transcending thoughts and experiencing the joy of meditation. There is no special religion, belief system, diet or lifestyle requirement for one to learn Vedic Meditation. This Vedic Meditation is so simple, so easy and so natural. One learns how to dive deeply into oneself and fully know oneself. What could be more easy and natural than to experience one’s own nature?”

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Arpas Eternas Lectio Divina Meeting: 4th Sunday of Every Month
5:00 PM17:00

Arpas Eternas Lectio Divina Meeting: 4th Sunday of Every Month

Arpas Eternas is a revealed text that chronicles the Life of Jesus the Christ in the context of the revered Essene community. It was held in high esteem by the Ashram’s founder and Guru, Victor (Vyasa) Landa, as being uniquely important for our times. He often quoted Yashua as saying, "My words won't be understood for 2,000 years," and would add, 'That time is NOW!".

All are welcome to join us for a reading and discussion circle that includes prayer and short meditations. For more information or to RSVP please email Durga at:

Join us IN PERSON or VIA ZOOM:   or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti.  RSVP for all events by emailing:

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to Dec 22


  • Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winter Solstice Celebration

Please join us for this quarterly event. All are welcome to come and spend part or all of these two days in personal retreat, enjoying the peace of the Ashram, partaking of blessed soup, reading spiritual literature provided specially for the day, and enjoying the program.

The day begins with 6:00 a m. Sunrise worship, including agni hotra, silent meditation, prayers, and Aarti.

Then at 8:00 a.m., the Crystal Bath appointments start and go until evening. These are 30 minute sessions under the crystal healing lights. RSVP to reserve your slot.

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Honoring the Life of Guruji Vyasa (Victor Landa) Dec 7
5:30 PM17:30

Honoring the Life of Guruji Vyasa (Victor Landa) Dec 7

On Saturday, December 7th, from 2 to 5 p.m., , the Yoga room of the Ashram will be open for silent prayer, meditation, reflection, and time with our beloved Gurudev in spiritual form.

At 5:30 p.m., we will hold the traditional interfaith prayer satsang.

At 7 p.m., we will have a slideshow of Guruji’s life followed by personal reflections and sharing. We encourage you to come with a story, poem, song, or any offering of the heart.

You may also bring a dish of food to share, for a warm gathering of spiritual family. 

All welcome.


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 The Growing Biodynamic Community in Nepal with Krishna Gurung
7:30 PM19:30

The Growing Biodynamic Community in Nepal with Krishna Gurung

Krishna Gurung is one of the co-founders of Shanti Sewa Griha Village (Nepal) founded the KRMEF project with his wife Leela.. The KRMEF garden helps to promote biodynamic farming methods in Nepal. Shanti Sewa Griha is an aid organisation that helps others help themselves. It provides the means necessary for people of all ages in need of help and protection to come and find refuge. Shanti currently cares for a total of approximately 1,000 people in need.

Fields are cultivated to provide ingredients for the food kitchen: legumes, corn, potatoes and vegetables. In this way, Shanti is largely independent of the supply of food in the city, which are subject to large price fluctuations and whose quality often leaves much to be desired.

Come here this remarkable testimony of transformation for love of people and the earth.

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The Living Farm Organism as Overseen by the Biodynamic Farmer as Scientist & Artist-  A Great Hope for our Future  with Stewart Lundy
7:30 PM19:30

The Living Farm Organism as Overseen by the Biodynamic Farmer as Scientist & Artist- A Great Hope for our Future with Stewart Lundy

Please join us for this Keynote address of the Chesapeake Regional Biodynamic conference. Stewart Lundy is a farmer, amateur alchemist, esotericist, and avid reader. He is also the Creative Director at the non-profit Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics. He helps curate the JPI Applied Biodynamics quarterly which is now migrating to the digital world on substack. He has been farming since 2010 at his own biodynamic operation, Perennial Roots Farm, where he and his wife raise cattle, sheep, and hogs, as well as run a market garden and CSA. Stewart is a regular contributor at the national Biodynamic Association conference. He offers book clubs on esoteric themes.

The Full schedule of the Conference:

Fri, Nov. 15, 7:30 pm:  Keynote Address: Stewart Lundy, Biodynamic Farmer at the School of Life, 4217 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814. Join by zoom: or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti

Sat, Nov 16, 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. BioDynamic Conference at the Christian Community 4221 Metzerott Rd College Park, MD 20740 8:30am 

> 8:30 Meet & Greet with complimentary Biodynamic Coffee!
> 9:00am Biodynamic Puppet Show- Beech Tree Puppets 
> 9:45 "The Who, What, Where, When, How, & Why of the Chesapeake BioDynamic Network" with M.Judge

> 10:30 Break-BD Coffee: Biodynamic Coffee on sale & 2025 Stella Natura BD Planting Calendars - see M.Judge
> 11:00 Talk: The Living Farm Organism: Soils, Plants, Animals, & Humans, by Stewart Lundy

> 12:30 Lunch Break (Quality Options: BYO, Moms, Silver Dinner, Chipotle, walkable eateries nearby, etc.)
> 2:00 Talk: The Living Farm Organism- What must we do to bring it about? Biodynamic Farmer Stewart Lundy 

> 4:00 Clean-up (help appreciated)
> 7:30 p.m. Presentation on the remarkable Biodynamic Community growing in the Country of Nepal with Krishna Gurung at the School of Life, 4217 East-West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Join by zoom: or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti

Sun, Nov 17, 2 p.m. Field Trip to P.A. Bowen Farmstead of Sally Fallon with Brian & Amy Wort
15701 Doctor Bowen Rd Brandywine, MD 20613. Nutrient dense 
Farm products will be available for sale 3-4 p.m. 
Depart Christian Community 12:00 noon or drive directly
Cost: $10.00

Mon, Nov 18, 10-3p.m. Field Trip with Tour Guide & Historian Michael Judge  (Bring Lunch) Meet 10:00am at Christian Community 

> Historic Riversdale Plantation
> inland Historic Bladensburg Waterfront 
> Historic Chesapeake Sailing Waterways & Early Settlements
> US National Arboretum (DC)

Tues, Nov 19 Field Trip 12:00 noon to 4:00pm with Tour Guide & Historian Michael Judge

>US National Agricultural Library.  Largest Ag Library in the world!   with much biodynamic materials to be seen. (Must meet on site at noon for access.)
> Tour of USDA Human Nutrition Research Center 
> Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) USDA Beltsville, MD 


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Monthly Community Open House Program
9:30 AM09:30

Monthly Community Open House Program

The School of Life welcomes you to come experience the joy of community, with a program designed to engage body, mind, heart and soul. Come for any part or all day.

9:30-11 am: Yoga class: asana, pranayam, relaxation, dhyana/meditation.

11-11:15: Break

11:15-12:45: Soulful Service / Karma Yoga Project

1:00: Mindful Meal: Potluck

  • Short Silent meditation on Light

  • Chanting of Aum and prayer

  • Eat in silence.

As one Master says, "There are three occasions in which human beings understand each other: when they eat together, when they pray together, and when they sing together."

1:45-2:15: Cleanup and Break

2:30-4 p.m.: Spiritual Group Activity

5 p.m.: Satsang 
Interfaith prayer service and meditation for world peace.

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6:00 AM06:00


Join us for a day of spiritual celebration and fellowship with members of the School of Life & Omraam communities. Enjoy sacred dance, mystical songs, and nature walks in a pristine landscape. Engage in an interactive workshop on discovering the divine feminine and masculine within and around us. Nourish your body and soul with a healthy and delicious mindful meal as a communion with the Creator and nature beings. The day will close with dinner and a fire ceremony honoring the triumph of Light over darkness.

Location: Wellspring Retreat Center: 11411 Neelsville Church Rd, Germantown, MD 20876
Time: Sunrise til Night
Cost: Donation (suggested amount $25, no one turned away for lack of funds.)


6:30 am Sunrise Meditation
followed by Mindful Movement
7:00 a.m.Breakfast Buffet
10:30 am Paneurhythmy (sacred dance)
11:30 a.m. Meet, Greet & Orientation
12:30 p.m. Mindful Meal with Video talk by Master Omraam
Nature Walks / Free Time
3:30 p.m. Interactive Workshop on Cosmic Balance: Finding the Eternal Feminine and Masculine
5:30 p.m. Concert
6:30 p.m. Dinner Buffet
7:30 pm-9:00 pm Annual Michaelmas Fire

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Fraternal Forum Spiritual Retreat: "Cosmic Balance: Exploring the Eternal Masculine and Feminine Within" in Collaboration with the School of Life
to Oct 3

Fraternal Forum Spiritual Retreat: "Cosmic Balance: Exploring the Eternal Masculine and Feminine Within" in Collaboration with the School of Life

The School of Life invites our community to participate in this retreat hosted by the Fraternal Forum. This year's retreat will focus on understanding our relationship with the cosmos, with ourselves, our partners, and all our interactions in order to cultivate a harmonious and balanced life.
Join us for sunrise meditations, mindful gymnastics exercises, and silent vegetarian meals amidst nature's tranquility. Enjoy fraternal gatherings with inspiring spiritual songs, audio, and video talks by the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, evening meditations, true life stories about the Teaching, and interactive workshops on Cosmic Balance and the growth of Omraam.World (Fraternal Forum/Universal White Brotherhood) in the USA.
An open-door event on Saturday will include a sacred Fire Ceremony in honor of Michaelmass with songs and prayers aimed at uplifting ourselves and all of humanity. Feel free to invite your family and friends to this special day.
Whether this is your first time or another step in your journey with us, get ready for a chance to experience what life in the Golden Age could be like. You'll take part in activities that help create balance and togetherness in a caring community.

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Autumn Equinox Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights & More....
to Sep 22

Autumn Equinox Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights & More....

  • Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Autumn Equinox Celebration w/ Sunrise Worship, Films /Events & Crystal Healing Lights

Please join us for this week long event with special offerings and Crystal Healing Lights days. The day begins with 6:00 a m. Sunrise program, including agni hotra, singing, silent meditation, prayers, and Aarti. Then at 8:00 a.m., the Crystal Bath appointments start and go until 6 p.m. These are 30 minute sessions under the crystal healing lights from La Casa de Dom Inacio of Abadiana Brazil. Inspiring Talks or Films will be shared during the week—please check back for schedule. Appointments are necessary for the crystal baths, but all are welcome to come and spend part or all of these two days in personal retreat, enjoying the peace of the Ashram, partaking of blessed soup, reading Spiritist literature provided specially for the day, and enjoying the programs.

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Sri Karunamayi Student Retreat, Meditation Retreat & Homa (Fire Ceremony)
to Jul 28

Sri Karunamayi Student Retreat, Meditation Retreat & Homa (Fire Ceremony)

For the first time ever, Her Holiness will offer a retreat for young people aged 5-24. She will grant them Saraswati Diksha, which gives immense light to the mind for a promising academic and professional life. Activities throughout the day will inculcate values of caring for the earth , love of people, good citizenship, and sefless service.

Wholesome food will be offered, showing the value of nourishing the soul as well as the body.

This is a chance for children to be in the presence of Divine, motherly love endowing them with immense courage and clarity for a fulfilling life.

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Sri Karunamayi Mother Divine Individual Blessings Day: Community Trip
9:00 AM09:00

Sri Karunamayi Mother Divine Individual Blessings Day: Community Trip

Guruji Vyasa (Victor Landa) introduced our community to Sri Karunamayi around 2014. She is an Avatar of Divine Mother. Every year after that, He invited members of the community to go as a group to receive Her darshan.

She has brought many blessings to the community and tirelessly works to mitigate suffering and shower blessings upon all beings.

We are greatly priveleged to have another opportunity to be with Her Holiness this year, Her first visit to the area since the pandemic!

Come bathe in the indescribably pure aura and motherly love of Amma.

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SUMMER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION w/ Crystal Healing Lights & More....
to Jun 21

SUMMER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION w/ Crystal Healing Lights & More....

  • Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for this week long event with special offerings and Crystal Healing Lights days. The day begins with 6:00 a m. Sunrise program, including agni hotra, singing, silent meditation, prayers, and Aarti. Then at 8:00 a.m., the Crystal Bath appointments start and go until 6 p.m. These are 30 minute sessions under the crystal healing lights from La Casa de Dom Inacio of Abadiana Brazil. Inspiring Talks or Films will be shared during the week—please check back for schedule. Appointments are necessary for the crystal baths, but all are welcome to come and spend part or all of these two days in personal retreat, enjoying the peace of the Ashram, partaking of blessed soup, reading Spiritist literature provided specially for the day, and enjoying the programs.

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Monthly Community Open House Program
9:00 AM09:00

Monthly Community Open House Program

The School of Life welcomes you to come experience the joy of community, with a program designed to engage body, mind, heart and soul. Come for any part or all day. (please note, the order of the day’s events and the themes may shift.)

The School of Life Welcomes You:

Yoga Class: 9:00-10:15 am-- at 4217 East West Hwy

Presentation: 10:20
 -- Spiritual Galvanoplasty: Conscious Conception and Pregnancy for Healthy, Happy, Elevated Souls.

Is it possible for education to begin before birth? The answer is a resounding yes! 

 A mother can have a beneficial influence on her child in the womb through the harmony of her thoughts, acts, and feelings. We will watch an interview with two experts in pre-natal education according to the teachings of Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, whose work in this area Guruji enthusiastically endorsed, giving newlyweds the book Education Begins Before Birth. 

Service: 11:30 -- 
Soulful Service / Karma Yoga Project: TBD
Communal Meal: 1:00--
 Potluck, Mindful Meal with Hrani Yoga: Eating in Silence to Nourish our Subtle Bodies followed by Social Tea & Clean Up

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Vedic Meditation Training Course w/ Mahaji
to May 26

Vedic Meditation Training Course w/ Mahaji

Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra ("Mahaji") is returning to offer a 3 day course in Vedic Meditation. Come learn an effortless and highly effective technique for accessing your inmost self.

Registration is limited to 10 spaces.

You may join in person or via zoom. Email:

Participants must attend to all sessions.

To secure your spot, please send your donation via paypal to: Please give generously to support Dr. Mahapatra’s ceaseless work for world peace.


Friday, Jan 26: 7-8:30 p.m.. Introduction and initiatory Puja. Please bring 2-3 fruits and a small bunch of flowers.
Saturday, Jan 27: 7-8:30 p.m. Instruction.
Sunday Jan 28: 7-8:00 p.m
. Concluding instruction. 

Mahaji says:

"In this course one learns the theory and benefits of meditation as well as an easy, effortless technique for transcending thoughts and experiencing the joy of meditation. There is no special religion, belief system, diet or lifestyle requirement for one to learn Vedic Meditation. This Vedic Meditation is so simple, so easy and so natural. One learns how to dive deeply into oneself and fully know oneself. What could be more easy and natural than to experience one’s own nature?”

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School of Life Annual Celebration
10:30 AM10:30

School of Life Annual Celebration

The 24th of May is the annual celebration of the School of Life and Shanti Yoga. It is on this date that Christians celebrate the Divine Mother in the form of Mary Help of Christians, Who is closely entwined in the history of the families of both Victor (Vyasa) and Linette (Lakshmi) Landa. Therefore, She has been revered by our families and is considered the Patroness of Shanti Yoga and the School of Life. We are very appreciative of the circumstances that have brought us to establish our centers in Maryland (the Land of Mary), in Bethesda (the name of the healing pool in Jerusalem), and on East-West Highway to remind us that our work is to contribute to bridging Eastern wisdom with Western pragmatism.

10:30 a.m. Opening of the Inner Temple: Shanti Mandir by Saraswati Devi
Silent Meditation

11:00 a.m. Mass celebrated by Dom James Wiseman, OSB, Abbot of St. Anselm’s Abbey in Washington DC
followed by:
Interfaith Prayers Program, including:
Songs and Bhajans (chants)

12:30 p.m. Vegetarian Lunch

We would appreciate it if you will let us know by Friday, May 17th if you will be joining us for all or part of the day. Kindly be sure to RSVP for lunch: 301-654-4899 or

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Community Day: A Monthly Retreat with Yoga, Service, Lunch & Spiritual / Practical Program
9:00 AM09:00

Community Day: A Monthly Retreat with Yoga, Service, Lunch & Spiritual / Practical Program

The School of Life welcomes you to come experience the joy of community, with a program designed to engage body, mind, heart and soul. Come for any part or all day. (Please note, the order of the day’s events, and times, may shift.)

9:00-10:20 am: Yoga class: asana, pranayam, relaxation, dhyana/meditation.
10:30 Spiritual / Practical Presentation:

Genie Saan (Jenn) will give an introduction on time management to help achieve work-life balance for those on a spiritual path. She will share tips to leverage technological tools to better juggle responsibilities and commitments while prioritizing self-care and maintaining a spiritual practice in a modern world.
When we infuse a practical topic like productivity and time-management with intention and consciousness, we take that practice to a whole new level. By making weekly planning a routine habit, you may be surprised to find how much more you can accomplish. Come to the presentation to find out more!

In order to make a practice ingrained as a habit, having accountability can make all the difference. A follow-up study or support group that meets virtually 1 hour every week can be arranged for our community, please let us know of your interest the day of the talk.

11:30 Soulful Service / Karma Yoga Project: This month: Outdoor work
1:00: Mindful Meal: Potluck

  • Short Silent meditation on Light

  • Chanting of Aum and prayer

  • Eat in silence.

2:00 Clean up, Social Tea

As one Master says, "There are three occasions in which human beings understand each other: when they eat together, when they pray together, and when they sing together."
5:00 pm (optional) For those who would like to join, all our welcome to the 5 p.m.: Satsang Interfaith prayer service and meditation for world peace.

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Community Day: A Monthly Retreat with Yoga, Service, Lunch & Spiritual Program
9:00 AM09:00

Community Day: A Monthly Retreat with Yoga, Service, Lunch & Spiritual Program

The School of Life welcomes you to come experience the joy of community, with a program designed to engage body, mind, heart and soul. Come for any part or all day.

9:00-10:30 am: Yoga class: asana, pranayam, relaxation, dhyana/meditation.
10:40 Spiritual Group Activity: Strategies for Positively Coping with Stress (tentative)

11:45 Soulful Service / Karma Yoga Project: This month: CSA / Storefront & Landscaping Revitalization
1:00: Mindful Meal: Potluck

  • Short Silent meditation on Light

  • Chanting of Aum and prayer

  • Eat in silence.

2:00 Clean up, Social Tea

As one Master says, "There are three occasions in which human beings understand each other: when they eat together, when they pray together, and when they sing together."
5:00 pm (optional) For those who would like to join, all our welcome to the 5 p.m.: Satsang Interfaith prayer service and meditation for world peace.

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Spring Equinox Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights & More....
to Mar 20

Spring Equinox Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights & More....

  • Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring Equinox Celebration w/ Sunrise Worship, Films /Events & Crystal Healing Lights

Please join us for this week long event with special offerings and Crystal Healing Lights days. The day begins with 6:00 a m. Sunrise program, including agni hotra, singing, silent meditation, prayers, and Aarti. Then at 8:00 a.m., the Crystal Bath appointments start and go until 6 p.m. These are 30 minute sessions under the crystal healing lights from La Casa de Dom Inacio of Abadiana Brazil.

To see a schedule of slots for Tuesday, 3/19 please click here:
To see a schedule of slots for Wednesday, 3/20 please click here:
Then email us to request a time and day—kindly give 2-3 options. Appointments are necessary for the crystal baths, but all are welcome to come and spend part or all of these two days in personal retreat, enjoying the peace of the Ashram, partaking of blessed soup, reading Spiritist literature provided specially for the day, and enjoying the programs.

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Community Day: A Monthly Retreat with Yoga, Service, Lunch & Spiritual Program
9:00 AM09:00

Community Day: A Monthly Retreat with Yoga, Service, Lunch & Spiritual Program

The School of Life welcomes you to come experience the joy of community, with a program designed to engage body, mind, heart and soul. Come for any part or all day. (please note, the order of the day’s events and the themes may shift.)

9:30-11 am: Yoga class: asana, pranayam, relaxation, dhyana/meditation.

11-11:15: Break

11:15-12:45: Soulful Service / Karma Yoga Project
: Spring Cleaning!

1:00: Mindful Meal: Potluck

  • Short Silent meditation on Light

  • Chanting of Aum and prayer

  • Eat in silence.

As one Master says, "There are three occasions in which human beings understand each other: when they eat together, when they pray together, and when they sing together."

1:45-2:15: Cleanup and Break

2:30-4 p.m.: Spiritual Group Activity
: This month, we will watch “Cleaning with Meaning”, a surprisingly transformative video prepared by disciples of Master Omraam Mikahel Aivanhov, in which we learn to approach this prosaic activity sacramentally, engaging the spirits of place to nurture and bless all who use the space.

5 p.m.: Satsang 
Interfaith prayer service and meditation for world peace.

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Vedic Meditation Training Course w/ Mahaji
to Jan 28

Vedic Meditation Training Course w/ Mahaji

Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra ("Mahaji") is returning to the area next month to offer a 3 day course in Vedic Meditation. Come learn an effortless and highly effective technique for accessing your inmost self.

4217 East West Hwy Bethesda MD 20814

Meditation Course Schedule: Participants must attend to all sessions.

Friday, Jan 26: 7-8:30. Introduction and initiatory Puja. Please bring 2-3 fruits and a small bunch of flowers, as well as a monetary donation.
Saturday, Jan 27: 7-8 p.m. Instruction.
Sunday Jan 28: 8-8:15 p.m
. Concluding instruction. 

Mahaji says:

"In this course one learns the theory and benefits of meditation as well as an easy, effortless technique for transcending thoughts and experiencing the joy of meditation. There is no special religion, belief system, diet or lifestyle requirement for one to learn Vedic Meditation. This Vedic Meditation is so simple, so easy and so natural. One learns how to dive deeply into oneself and fully know oneself. What could be more easy and natural than to experience one’s own nature?”

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Sharing the Light of the Teaching Social & Program
10:30 AM10:30

Sharing the Light of the Teaching Social & Program

We warmly invite you to join us for a half day of spiritual camaraderie and practical inspirations for the coming year.

Guruji Victor (Vyasa) Landa urged us to put our minds, hearts and bodies to work for the dawning of a new era on Earth, wherein every aspect of life: education, economy, governance, the arts, family and communal life, will be based on spiritual laws, so that beauty, harmony, and joy will permeate every sphere.  

This is the meaning of the School of Life's vision: "To bring the Kingdom of God to Earth." It starts with each individual, rippling out to the family, community, region etc. until one day the Earth will be encircled by points of Light.

Many spiritual groups all over the planet are working for this goal. One of them is the Fraternal Forum ( The teachings of their Master, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, are part of Guruji's School of Life curriculum. 

On Sunday, Jan 21, we will explore commonalities between the two Teachings, enjoy delicious refreshments, hear about magical collaborations that took place in 2023, and get a preview of what's to come in 2024.

We trust this meeting will spark enthusiasm to work together to amplify Light in the new year, for the benefit all beings.

10:30 am: Informal Social with Coffee & Tea

11:10 am: 'Sharing the Light of the Teaching' Talk, with refreshments. Those who cannot come in person may join via zoom: or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti

12:40 pm: Circle of Light (music, discourse, prayer and dialog) Those who cannot come in person may join via zoom: (Meeting ID 886 7853 5740, Passcode 217888, dial in +1 669 444 9171)


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Winter Solstice Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights
to Dec 22

Winter Solstice Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights

  • Shanti Yoga Ashram, Center for Harmony (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winter Solstice Celebration w/ Crystal Healing Lights
Please email: to request a slot.
To learn more about Crystal Healing Lights please click here:
To see the time slots for Thursday please click here:
To see the time slots for Friday, please click here:

To celebrate the Winter Solstice, on Thursday 12/21 and Friday 12/22 the School of Life welcomes everyone to come and spend time in silent reflection, spiritual reading, partaking of blessed soup, and preparing physically and spiritually for this final period of the year with a 30 minute crystal healing lights session to cleanse and tone the chakras and experience a state of relaxation and improved well-being. There is no charge for this community event, but all donations will go to support our educational and charitable work.

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Homeless Program Service Stakeholder Dialog, Thurs., Dec 14, at 6 p.m.
6:00 PM18:00

Homeless Program Service Stakeholder Dialog, Thurs., Dec 14, at 6 p.m.

As a follow up to the first-ever Stakeholder Dialog on Oct. 7, we are delighted to announce the first program-specific Stakeholder Dialog: for the Homeless Service.

In Person: 4217 East West Hwy Bethesda MD 20814 
Zoom: or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti

Since 2011, The Essene Church has prepared hot, home-made, vegetarian meals from organic and Biodynamic produce for our homeless brothers and sisters living in DC. Weekly service continued throughout covid, but radical changes had to be adopted. 

Consequent shortages in volunteers and food donations now make it essential to revise the program to make it sustainable.

Last night, a passionate group of volunteers held a Task Force meeting. All commit to rekindling the spiritual and human heart of this program in honor of our founder, Victor Landa. The agenda of talking points they agreed to present at the Dialog may be found here.

Please join us Thursday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. to share your inspirations and talents to keep the Homeless Service going far into the future. 

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Meditation: A Solution to Many Problems
7:00 PM19:00

Meditation: A Solution to Many Problems

Please join us Saturday, Nov. 11 at 7:00 p.m. for a lecture by Dr. Mahapatra Gyanendra ("Mahaji",) about how meditation helps us to meet life's challenges with greater insight, resilience and ease.

Dr. Mahapatra became a meditation teacher in 1974. From 1986 to 1993 he was the Vice Chancellor of Maharishi Vedic University. He teaches Vedic Meditation and advanced techniques, which he has evolved with the blessing of many Saints from India. Mahaji has also mastered the art of performing Yagyas and Pujas, for the benefit of individuals and society.

This will be a good preparation for the Vedic Meditation Course he will offer Dec 1-3. Please look for an email with details soon.

Join us in person at 4217 East-West Hwy or via zoom: (please click on link or paste into browser) or dial 719-083-6440, password Omshanti 


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