Shanti Yoga Center for Harmony
Shanti Marga means the Path to Peace. The Shanti Marga course is designed for those interested in learning and practicing yoga as a “way of life.” It will show how to develop our potential for attaining a state of inner peace that brings about the joy of living.
Peace exists deep within us, deep in the core of our being. To experience peace, we need to cross through peaks and valleys of the internal road. In the same way that we use a map or directions to reach a destination, the methods and techniques of yoga are used as guides on the path of self-discovery. To walk this road to the end for attainment of a permanent state of inner peace requires bold determination, courage, will power, humility, patience, and forbearance to overcome our fear and ignorance of our spiritual nature. The Shanti Marga course offers the gentle but firm preparation required for this deep personal work.
The Shanti Marga course is valuable for those interested in personal development. The process involved provides an opportunity to develop—not through the intellect but through experience—helping to attain fearlessness via self-knowledge and self-discipline and to discover inner strength and the core of our being—who we really are.
The complete Shanti Marga course includes nine levels, from Beginners through Advanced. This course may be pursued with or without previous experience in yoga; the only prerequisite is our six hour Foundation of Yoga course covering the basic concepts of Yoga and Hatha Yoga postures. Students will develop a yoga practice and a thorough understanding of yoga as a way of life.
The format is suitable for residents of the area who work or study full-time with a commitment of a minimum of one 1½ hour evening class per week plus additional time for homework and attendance in at least one Hatha Yoga class per week based on the indications given for each level. The yoga class is optional if the student can report a regular personal practice.
An important component of the course, homework includes reading, research, and written reports along with the regular practice. In between segments there will be mandatory and optional books to be read. Attendance to 80% of the classes is required.