Biodynamic Agriculture, CSA, and spirituality in daily life
By Victor Landa (Vyasa)

“By their fruits you shall know them” Matthew 7:20

The hectic pace of our existence creates levels of stress that sometimes seem unbearable; that is, until we come to understand that a significant shift needs to take place in our existence, and are led more and more clearly to a new direction that leads us towards living a life based on the spirit, not on the material. As we move in the direction of the spirit, we discover in ourselves an urgent need for peace and quiet, and realize that it is a spiritual practice that will bring inner peace.

However, the time is not there. We are so busy with commitments and engagements that we have to struggle to find time for the practice and in so doing we increase the stress that we are trying to overcome. Caught in a vicious circle, we give up, waiting for the “right time” to commit, and time goes by until—for some—it is too late.

There are many interpretations of the term spiritual. For some it is equivalent to religion; for our purpose, we will interpret it as the process of self-discovery—realizing who we really are, the immortal spirit.

A journey starts with our present condition—the immortal spirit embodied in a physical frame in order to experience the physical plane. The human body, containing the divine spark, is the temple of the spirit and as such should be an object of our respect and reverence.

As custodians of this temple, it is our duty to care for our body and to maintain it in optimal condition. This responsibility becomes a gateway to open the possibility of engaging in a spiritual practice, one that exists within the limitations and constraints of our hectic modern life. This cultivation of compassion for the human body, the temple of the spirit, then extends to all living things. But here, we begin with our own body; not with self-centeredness or egoism, but with respect and reverence, we quietly and considerately learn to love and care for our material, physical body, and then gently expand our reverential attention to the mind and spirit as well.

Unfortunately, an impasse is often encountered on this road to self-discovery. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to remain on the path. Lack of discipline, distractions, doubt, lack of support, other responsibilities, etc., etc., can lead us far astray in spite of our repeated intentions. Why is this so?

Rudolf Steiner, a clairvoyant, visionary, and originator of many diverse disciplines of human endeavor in spiritual science, the arts, education, and agriculture, said:

“Nutrition as it is today does not supply the strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from thinking to will and action. FOOD PLANTS NO LONGER CONTAIN THE FORCES PEOPLE NEED FOR THIS.” (emphasis added.)

He said this in 1924. Imagine what he might say now, after 75 more years of intensive agribusiness. It may seem simplistic to attribute to food the lack of will power to act and fulfill our resolutions, but if we look around we will see that other of his words have proven true. He foretold that infirmities like cancer and leukemia would rise if we continued on the road to improper nutrition through the presence of chemical pesticides and fertilizers and aggressive methods of agriculture.

If we accept the premise that food is an important element and we educate ourselves on this issue, we will naturally gravitate towards food grown Biodynamically—that is, food grown according to the guidelines offered by Rudolf Steiner. The Biodynamic form of agriculture is based not only on great reverence and respect for the land, recognizing it as part of a living organism, but it incorporates elements to bring in cosmic forces that provide the bridge between thinking, willing and acting.

Besides this, Biodynamics is a healing protocol for the soil and consequently for plants, animals, and human beings who live of that soil. There is a startling difference between Biodynamic food and that which is offered in commercial stores, which is totally denatured, and packaged and processed to the point of replacing any trace of life with toxic, synthetic ingredients. That most people eat this so-called “food” can only serve to illustrate the magnificence of the human body, that it is capable of withstanding such mistreatment, but which unfortunately is losing the battle as seen by the increasing statistics of terminal disease.

In 1924, Rudolf Steiner gave eight lectures, now in a book entitled ‘Agriculture’, giving guidelines for how to grow the food that can be the bridge between thought, will, and action. Not only does this kind of agriculture preclude any unnatural methods such as chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and monocropping, but it goes beyond, to establish each farm as a self-contained organism in which etheric forces and forces of nature work in harmony with the farmer, whose reverent and respectful interactions with these forces act to heal the earth.

One very specific component of Biodynamic agriculture, called “preparations”, are like homeopathic remedies for the farm. Dr. Steiner specified how to make the preparations that are in use today on Biodynamic farms. Thus, Biodynamics can become the source of inspiration for our everyday spiritual practice.

Eating is part and parcel of our existence. It is an aspect of our being that we can neglect but we cannot avoid. Therefore, conscious eating can become the tool for our spiritual practice. The degree of involvement and /or completeness will unfold as we appreciate its importance and effects both at a physical and spiritual level. Conscious eating as a spiritual practice involves choosing food carefully, as well as preparing it and partaking of it mindfully.

As the Maha Chohan said in Electrons, from The Ascended Master Teaching Foundation: “If a woman could see the sparks of light going forth from her fingertips when she is cooking,” writes one of the Masters, “and the substance of light that goes into the food she handles, she would be amazed to see how much of herself she charges into the meals that she prepares for her family and friends. It is one of the most important and least understood activities of life that the radiation and feeling that go into the preparation of food affect everyone who partakes of it, and this activity should be unhurried, peaceful and happy. It would be better that an individual did not eat at all, than to eat food that has been prepared under a feeling of anger, resentment, depression or any outward pressure, because the substance of the lifestream performing the service flows into that food and is eaten, and actually becomes part of the energy of the receiver. That is why the advanced spiritual teachers of the East never eat food prepared by anyone other than their own chelas (students.) Conversely, if the one preparing the food is the only one in the household who is spiritually advanced and an active charge of happiness, purity and peace pours forth into the food from him, this pours forth into the other members and blesses them. I might say that there are more ways than one of allowing the Spirit of God to enter the flesh of man.”

It follows that the third step in the process of eating as a spiritual practice involves the attitude with which we eat our food. By showing gratitude by blessing the food, thanking the Divinity for providing it, and eating mindfully, we show love, reverence, and compassion, understanding that a form of life is being sacrificed for our benefit.

Thus, through our daily eating we have the opportunity for our spiritual practice and for creating a psychic environment of healing, love and compassion for all sentient beings.



We can look at this subject from three different angles: that of the Spiritual Aspirant; or that of a person who is at that point in her/his life that they feel the need to do something to change course and seek a better way to deal with the challenges that life is placing in front of them; and finally there are those who, though not explicitly considering themselves on a spiritual path,  want to improve in all aspects relative to their purpose of being on the planet.

Discipline and simplicity are the first elements that both a Spiritual Aspirant and anybody else must establish. Lack of time is usually the first obstacle to be overcome. Both   discipline and simplicity can be achieved with the help of Mother Nature. A serious or terminal disease will be the best motivator that may lead us on a Journey that can be the answer we were looking for. That is if we don’t take what seems to be the easy road of conventional contemporary medical treatment, that promises short term immediate release from undesirable symptoms, but in many cases brings about the long time deterioration of healthy and properly functioning organs. This in turn  requires constant repair and the use of more drugs with no end in sight.; This is not to suggest that the allopathic approach never has a place in treatment of disease, only that all too often ,side effects that are almost always damaging are completely eliminated with the natural approach.

Unconventional-- that is the natural, traditional or alternative medicine, as it is called now-- on the contrary doesn’t necessarily offer a specific remedy for the ailment but the eventual total return, to a healthy vibrant life. It takes care not of the specific ailment but facilitates an overall healing of the body and mind and can take us to a point of restoration, back to the condition that was given to us by the Creator—meaning, such a healthy condition as we had not experienced probably since birth. This assumes the mother has had a healthy diet since before conception and provides the infant with the right kind of food and environment insofar as possible.

Of course we should not expect nor wait for such a condition to take place before setting out on our journey.  On the contrary we should do our best to prevent  such conditions from happening. However, if that be the case, there are innumerable testimonies of a complete reversal of terminal conditions by using the traditional form of medicine modernized for present living conditions. 

But let’s go back to our original position, keeping in mind the beauty of such an approach is that even in the absence of poor health it is possible to attain optimal  health and vitality if the determination and perseverance are firm and steady. But we stated earlier the difficulty of lack of discipline, time and will power…………….precisely that is when the seriousness of the illness (as a blessing in disguise) helps us. We will then create the time since we are otherwise unable to take care of our health and now it has become an Imperative. We will have the discipline as we find that with short term serious effort we will experience immediate and effective signs of improvement that would disappear as soon as we slack in the use of the healing protocol chosen.

The first signs of improvement are the return of energy and clarity of mind. That improves our possibility of higher awareness to realize the effect it is having on us and helps us to stay on course. This means the automatic development of DISCIPLINE.

If we don’t return to a busy active life as soon as we feel the improvement, but continue the process we would be starting a marvelous Journey of Self-Discovery, which most spiritual paths require, and that is called Swadyaya[1](4th Niyama) and Pratyahara[2] (5th Limb) in the Yogic tradition as given by the Sage Maharishi Patanjali in his compilation of the Yoga Sutras. What is best is that without us intending we find the time we couldn’t find before by efficient and discerning attitudes and the release of what we realize have been unnecessary and unhealthy distractions that only lead us to confusing and undesirable behavior trying to satisfy falsely perceived “needs”. 

The newness of the experience brings in us tremendous gratitude for the mercy of God, and slowly but surely steers us towards a path of devotion, and further discovery of the meaning of true happiness.

What in most traditions has this protocol been related too?

DIET!. As unusual as it may sound with our modern approach to food where taste plays usually a major role. We have practically no consideration that the cells of our body are made out of the minute particles (nutrients, enzymes, minerals and the myriad of minute particles invisible to the naked eye, but which are important building blocks of healthy tissues from which all the organs are made), that, under normal i.e., healthy conditions, function properly, all in cooperation and coordination, to give us a truly healthy and long lived, meaningful life.

The importance of a healthy restorative diet has been unequivocally and categorically stated in The Essene Gospel of Peace Book I as a raw food vegetarian diet. This emphasis is exhortations to lead a healthy lifestyle which is described in the daily Essene communions that mention different benefits, extraordinary capacities etc. to be derived,  but leave many unanswered questions as to the specific practices, i.e., the means to attain them. However, the relevant practices are clearly described in the Vedic Scriptures, through the Yoga, Vedanta and Samkhya philosophies.

Concerning the protocols for a raw vegetarian diet, there are several contemporary ones that provide equally valuable information. They are: The Halleluiah Acres, The Sun Diet, the Matt Monarch, The Young Protocol,  etc.

The one more clearly documented is that of Hallelujah Acres, with powerful and convincing testimonies backed by open-minded medical doctors as far as what results can be expected from the practice of the diet.

The School of Life and The Essene Church of Peace have worked in collaboration and have formed an agreement to offer this information to their members, in a way that respects the constitutions and by-laws of both organizations, and using their own modality of sharing this information.

But again we must return to the case when no serious or terminal illness prompts us to take this journey, but rather a willingness of spiritual aspiration or the need to change our way of life.  That means we don’t have to follow the strict remedial protocol established but a more gentle approach that will allow us to acquire the necessary discipline and time, based on the direct experience of the benefits derived from the practice. Later we will feel the encouragement to delve more seriously into what is becoming a fascinating journey.

The spiritual implications

A diet seriously practiced until it becomes our regular mode of eating awakens in the long run spiritual aspirations (see Matt Monarch Youtube) that then can prompt us to seek the necessary guidance to satisfy what becomes a longing to know and to receive answers to such questions as: What is the purpose of my existence ? Why am I here on earth? Is this the only inhabited planet? How can I attain real happiness? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Why Wars? Why I am not satisfied with my life? etc., etc.

These questions and many more that will come up as You embark on the Journey will be satisfactorily answered and provide a sense of inner peace that in itself is an answer to all those questions.

By this time the discovery that the journey promised is becoming a reality. It is the right time to take a look at the book we referred to in the beginning, that is The Essene Gospel of Peace Book I, that You can find on the church web-site. You will find a commentary that is intended to show the similarity between  Yeshua’s teachings and the teachings of the Spiritual Science of Yoga. Later on we will also see how they are equally similar to the Spiritual Science of Spiritism as given by Allan Kardec. 

As said the Spiritual Science of Yoga provides the tools to attain the spiritual goals, powers, and gifts described in the Essene communions (Books II, III, & IV), and the Doctrine of Spiritism gives the factual proof of the existence of a real spiritual world and the Cosmic Realms, presented both in the teachings of the Essenes and in the Spiritual Science of Yoga.

Then is when it becomes a journey of Self-discovery, that is finding who You really are…………...                                                                  February 6th, 2013
Victor (Vyasa) Landa

[1] Swadyaya: to know thyself, from the coarsest to the most subtle levels ‘WHO You really are’

[2] Pratyahara: Control of the senses. The sense of taste is one of the most powerful means to help us develop discipline and character.