Our Vision — School of Life Educational Society - a yoga centered spiritual community

"Spirituality born out of mutual respect and reverence for all of God's creation should inaugurate an era of love, compassion and understanding.  

Food can be a common link that will lead us to recognize that we are all the same spirit."

Victor Landa, in Peaceful (R)evolution: Spiritual Food and Social Transformation

What is the Vision of the Spiritual Food CSA?

  •  Healthy Soil – Healing the soil and thus the planet for our children and their children

  •  Good Food – gratitude for natures bounty in giving us an array of vegetables, fruit, fresh herbs, dairy, grains and legumes that become part of our CSA for nutritious and high quality care of our families

  •  Equitable Economics – a new way of relating to sustain farmers, our food supply and the planet

  •  Respecting Farmers – Putting our money where our mouth is, is our way of supporting farming as a respectable profession & to encourage young farmers

  •  Service – Volunteering – it is in giving that we receive

  • Building Community based  on trust, honesty, love, compassion, understanding and care for each other as brothers and sisters