Why We Love CSA — School of Life Educational Society - a yoga centered spiritual community

The CSA is validating Aparigraha because it is in the daily struggle to maintain a flow of communication, a continuous sense of solidarity and an acceptance of differences and respect for individual idiosyncrasies that the value of the community comes to the fore. If there are no challenges, it is difficult to assess what our reaction will be when they are presented to us. When a community is based on solid, agreed-upon principles a greater sense of security is developed, filial love is elicited, and conflicts and disagreements are framed within reasonable terms. Trust prevails over doubt when there is frequent interaction and transparency of attitude. Community facilitates this kind of dynamic to take place and become a training ground for the new world community that we are moving towards.
(Dr. Martin Luther King spoke eloquently of this vision in his World House speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize.)

The new economic paradigm called Aparigraha and the CSA therefore will hopefully provide that basis for the new approach in our relations - a substantial background for the fabric of society interwoven not with competitiveness, selfishness, distrust, and fear, but with cooperation, selflessness, trust and love; not darkened by worries of “scarcity” but illumined by the light of “abundance”; not trapped in the anxiety born out of greed but freed by the soothing and relaxing breeze of generosity. Our hearts rejoice as we see the malignant tumor of poverty receding and the signs of a healthy humanity coming back to the planet. Working together, combining our skills and resources, the impossible becomes possible. A better world is within our reach. We just have to come together and make Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream a reality.

The CSA offers an extraordinary opportunity for like minded people to come together in a community, to manifest -- by acting directly and consciously -- the model of a new world where love, compassion and non-violence are the guiding principles on which a new positive collective consciousness will be built.

More than that, the CSA is providing a testimony that a new economic paradigm can be a reality and proves that when people dare to take responsibility for their own destiny, working together and acting on values and principles that uphold truthfulness for the good of all, the result is the new world of peace and love that we all long for.
In a world permeated by strife and violence, the emergence of initiatives rooted in high aspirations for the good of all, applied through practical engagement in everyday life, is an imperative.

"We have loved having the food!

We have lots of kids who help out in the kitchen over the summer. Several had never tasted a beet or turnip! All say they are going to buy some more and make them at home for their families! Cool!

Thanks again for all your help and generosity!"

~Jill from Meals on Wheels- recipient of donated CSA vegetables

The CSA provides leverage to address important food-related food issues such as:
Using Food for a Higher Consciousness:

Eating as a Spiritual Practice

Overcoming Deception:

Cheap Food Isn't Cheap

Food changes behavior in schools:

You Do What You Eat
We Believe the CSA movement needs to spread!

Find out how you and your like minded friends around the country can start your own CSA group.
How To Start A CSA