The Ashram offers OPEN and PRE-REGISTER CLASSES for a regular practice of Hatha Yoga and SPECIAL COURSES to incorporate the teachings of yoga into our daily lives.
Schedule is subject to change; please contact the teacher before attending a class.
For class descriptions,
see Hatha Yoga and Women's Program.
Please click here to view classes in calendar format
Please contact the teacher directly for any class of interest.
Foundation of Yoga - contact Durga
Shanti Marga / Path to Peace- contact Durga
Classical Hatha Yoga and Children's classes - contact Durga
Private Classes and Yoga for Your Type - contact Lakshmi
Childbirth Education & Hypnobirthing – contact Lakshmi
Ayurveda at Home – contact Gayatri
Yoga for Women – contact Saraswati
Midlife & Menopause – contact Lakshmi
Magical Menstruation for T(w)eens - contact Durga
Yoga for Your (Ayurvedic) Type - contact Lakshmi
General Interest - contact Durga or contact Lakshmi