The School of Life invites our community to participate in this monthly meeting hosted by the Fraternal Forum. Join us for sacred song, prayer, the laser meditation, mindful movements, and Hrani Yoga (the Yoga of Nutrition), as well as audio and video talks by the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
The Zoom session will open at30 minutes past the hour. Please join with your microphones muted and camera OFF before the sacred music begins. Always on the same link: (MeetingID 826 0226 0694, Passcode 158322, Dial-in +1 669 444 9171).
For translation of the lectures, which are in French, please dial +1-425-436 6370 use access code 793 44 19).
Para español, vaya al canal FOROesp (llamantes de EE.UU. +1-701-802 5163 use el código de acceso 636 66 03). Para otros países, haz clic aquí.