Lakota Medicine couple Roy and Jean Reddemann, devoted and beloved friends of the Shanti Yoga community, will come from Wisconsin to perform a traditional Wiping the Tears ceremony to help the community close one year of mourning for our cherished founder, director, and eternal Guru, Victor Vyasa Deva Landa.
The Reddemanns for many years graced us with their presence at the Equinoxes and Winter Solstice. During their ceremonies, ancestors and spirit allies are invoked to assist healing of body, mind and heart and lend light on the spiritual path.
NOTE: Out of respect for indigenous wisdom regarding the configuration of the etheric body and aura and how these are affected during sacred ceremony, we ask all participants to observe this protocol:
—Please do not consume any alcohol on the day of the ceremony
—Women, please wear an ankle length skirt or dress, with arms covered.
—Women who are on the bleeding phase of the menstrual cycle should abstain from attending in person, and instead are encouraged to connect through meditation and prayer.