Hav-Serv is a non-profit founded in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti in 2010. Founder and CEO Carline Brice has focused her efforts on the mountain village of LeBrun, where a free school has been built to help the children of families who would otherwise not have the opportunity to be educated can learn skills to break the cycle of poverty and uplift the nation. An important part of Hav-Serv’s work is helping people learn intensive, organic gardening to grow their own food. Rose (Mirabai) Lord is a Hav-Serv Board Member and also the founder and director of Global Coalition for Peace’s Women’s Self-Reliance Program. In this talk she will share with us about Hav-Serv’s mission and how we can get involved.
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Earlier Event: February 1
February Peace Meal: Biodynamic Agriculture
Later Event: June 14
Summer Solstice Celebration