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Equinox Film: Hitomi: Is This a Resurrection?

  • School of Life 4217 East-West Hwy Bethesda, MD, 20814 United States (map)

This is a talk by Hitomi, a lady whom School of Life members were privileged to meet on the last Pilgrimage led by Vyasa to La Casa de Dom Inacio in 2017. In sharing the talk, Vyasa said: "This is an audio recording, 1 hour 10 min long, and worth every minute. The experiences that Hitomi had are almost unbelievable." He recommended it, “For those who are on a spiritual quest or already have a well established path but could benefit from experiencing at a soul level that which is already well rooted in their mental sphere.” It is an extraordinary testimony of the healing work of Spirits and fascinating information on other related topics.