The School of Life welcomes you to come experience the joy of community, with a program designed to engage body, mind, heart and soul. Come for any part or all day.
9:00-10:30 am: Yoga class: asana, pranayam, relaxation, dhyana/meditation.
10:30 Spiritual Group Activity: Strategies for Positively Coping with Stress (tentative)
11:30 Soulful Service / Karma Yoga Project: This month: CSA / Storefront & Landscaping Revitalization (at 4209)
1:00: Mindful Meal: Potluck (at 4209)
Short Silent meditation on Light
Chanting of Aum and prayer
Hrani Yoga: Eat in silence and nourish our subtle bodies
2:00 Clean up, Social Tea
As one Master says, "There are three occasions in which human beings understand each other: when they eat together, when they pray together, and when they sing together."
5:00 pm (optional) For those who would like to join, all our welcome to the 5 p.m.: Satsang Interfaith prayer service and meditation for world peace.