Yoga Philosophy


Yoga is a discipline aimed at attaining higher and higher levels of consciousness to reach a state of increasing awareness of the purpose of our existence manifested as states off tranquility and peaceful aspiration to reach the highest state achievable, ultimately union with all of life and its Creator.  There are four traditional paths Jnana Yoga (the path of knowledge or wisdom), Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion or love), Karma Yoga (path of action or selfless service) and Raja Yoga (All encompassing science of perfection).  A path is followed according to one’s temperament.  As one progresses, other areas are integrated eventually reaching a full comprehensive understanding and experience of all paths to the mystery of life and the purpose of our existence.


 Jnana Yoga is defined as the path of wisdom, knowledge, introspection and contemplation. It involves deep Self exploration of the qualities of our being.

Bhakti Yoga is known as the path of devotion, emotion, love, compassion, and service to God and God in others. All acts of love are done in the spirit of honoring the Divine.

Karma Yoga, called the path of action, is the highest expression of the main teaching of the Bhagavad Gita which is to perform all our actions without expectation for the fruits, perform all as an offering to God realizing that we are just an instrument.

Raja Yoga is the most structured, and adequate for all temperaments geared to develop our highest potential and self control.  It can be defined as the royal path of union or the path of meditation.  It is also known as ashtanga yoga, the eightfold path or the eight limbs of yoga.  These eight limbs may be integrated to the other paths of yoga enriching and complementing therefore this is a comprehensive system of the spiritual science of yoga.